Dr Lutiniko

Dr. Lutiniko Landu Miguel Pedro

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERADr. Lutiniko Landu Miguel Pedro is a Pastor in the Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Church and his local congregation is the Antioch Missionary Congregation at Rocha Pinto (Angola), a new church plant with 50 members who attend service on Sunday. He is married to Carolina. They have 5 children.

He founded the Bible Institute of Missiology in 1996 and taught there until 2005. He, then, did doctoral studies in Pretoria, South Africa from 2005 to 2008.

He also teaches various subjects in the social sciences and humanities at the Polytechnic Institute of Cazenga, a secular Academic institution. Recently, he was appointed Associate Professor at the department of the Catholic University of Luanda. He teaches biblical languages, Hebrew and Greek. This is the contribution he gives in his home country. His training at Daystar will empower him to ameliorate his style of teaching so that it may transform not only his students but also his own life and that of his church members, thanks be to God!

My family  activities
Lutiniko Landu Miguel Pedro is married to Lunfwankenda  Carolina in 1990. They were blessed with six children but their youngest child,  a twelve year old, died in 2010.

With the help of many friends in Brazil, we are selling  books and hope to establish a book store in our yard so that we may fight  against poverty. My  wife is responsible  for this project.

Our children are studying in private schools. The two  first-born sons are in high school; the first son will graduate this year and the  second next year. The two girls are in primary school and the last one has not  yet started school