Lumeya International Ministries

Puentes DR – Visit their website at

Our  Founder, Dr. Nzash Lumeya

In 1989, the Lord allowed me to earn a Ph.D. in Missiology at Fuller Seminary, Pasadena U.S.A. (major: Old Testament and Minor: Behavioral Science). In 1989, I received a Theology Award, School of World Mission, Fuller Seminary, Pasadena, U.S.A. In 1977, I graduated with a Master in Theology at la Faculte de Theologie Evangelique de Vaux-Sur-Seine, France. In 1970, I received a Certificat d’ Etat at the Mennonite Brethren Secondary School, Democratic Republic of Congo. Dr. Lumeya lives in Fresno, CA, USA.
 >Read my bio here<

Our Vision

To further the Kingdom of God around the world in accordance with the command of Christ in Matthew 28:18-20:
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” NIV

Our Mission

To empower God’s people around the world, through mission education and training, to bring the Gospel to people and communities and to improve social well being.

In Congo

Having been born and raised in a small village, Dr. Lumeya’s heart is to serve the people in their spiritual growth as well as bring better living conditions.

Working through the Kinshasa School of Mission in Congo we are training local people to be Pastors and Evangelists that can reach local residents in the city, mountains, forest, river and plateau.

In addition we seek to provide help with local farmers to bring their crops to the city for sale and provide benches for local school children. Several trips are made to the Congo each year to meet with church and community leaders. >Learn More<

Beyond Congo

Teams from churches have visited Haiti, Philippines, Peru, Jamaica, Russia, Burundi, and Sal Tome. God has blessed us with many hard workers and friends to accomplish these small steps to reaching the world. >Learn More<

With Local Ministries

Working through the Fresno School of Mission we partner with local churches to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of people in local apartment complexes, economically depressed areas and troubled neighborhoods.

We come along side churches leaders to facilitate a focused approach to community participation through food distribution programs, and community activities as a means to introduce the Gospel.

You can help share the Gospel

Please help us as we spread the Good News of Jesus around the world and in our own neighborhoods. All funding is 100% through donations.
  1. You can help by donating funds – we are a 501(c)(3) exempt organization,
  2. By donating food and clothing for local ministries,
  3. By volunteering to help at community outreach activities,
  4. By inviting us to speak to your church about mission opportunities,
  5. By praying for us.

Audio messages

At the beginning of each month Dr. Lumeya records a short inspirational message (under 2 minutes). He records in 3 native tribe languages – Kikongo, Kimbala and Lingala; he records in the national language of French and in English.

Ephesians 6:18 – Pray for all Christians – October 2024

Kikongo Kikongo   French  French Lingala Lingala  English English  Kimbala Kimbala